Saturday, November 21, 2009

Friday, November 13, 2009


it hurts, forreal..
i'm trynna listen
but it hurts.

i'm trying to be me
but being me hurts.

it hurts me that i hurt you.
you're bitter & i can tell..
especially since you're not trying to hide it...
all because you're hurt.

where do i start?
i wanna be out. i can't be at home..
if there's a chance for me to get out
i'll get out.

you don't understand why i wanna be out
when you're at home.. that's exactly it
if you were here at home i'd wanna be at home with you.

it's like we don't understand each other
and we can't love each other for our differences.

all i know is that i love you and i wanna be with you
but i can't keep you happy... so what's the point?

maybe it is like you said...
we're not ready.